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Seduction Page 13

  “Nothing. You would be safer using my driver. At least I know he drives safely.”

  “Gabe, I have been using cabs for a long time now and there is nothing wrong with them.”

  “That was then, this is now.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Not bothering to answer the question, he moved from the bathroom entrance and walked over to Ana. “Your alternative option is having my driver pick Kelly up and bring her here. When she is ready to leave, he can take her and drop her off.”


  Gabe moved closer to Ana and inserted his finger between her chest and sheet, then pulled. “It’s not up for discussion, Ana.” When Ana slammed against his chest, Gabe took Ana’s hands and brought them to her back, where he held them in one hand and lifted his other hand to hold her head and dropped his head down for a kiss. He was gentle and passionate, using his lips and tongue on her lips, never sinking any deeper. He kissed her eyes, nose, cheeks and then settled on her earlobe. He nibbled her earlobe, and said many dirty things to Ana, none of which she thought could be repeated.

  Heart racing, sensations all over her body and not being able to use her hands to touch Gabe she could only moan. The flutters in her stomach didn’t help, neither did the heat that was pooling down in her sex. Could a person explode from sensations? If not, then Ana was convinced she would be the first.

  “Gabe. I need…”

  “I know baby.” Stepping back, he held her shoulders. “Later. Now you need to take a shower and I need to feed you. Last night you fell asleep before you had dinner.” When she continued staring at Gabe, he smiled and added, “But if you need help with your back, I can join you in the shower.”

  Scrambling away, “No, no need. I’ll be right out.” She heard Gabe laughing as she stepped into the bathroom then the shower. It took a few minutes before she figured out the workings of the shower. It had many heads, some of which were on the ceiling and others on the sides. I could die and go to heaven, Ana thought as she played around with the faucetts. Afraid if she took too long, Gabe would come looking for her, she got out of the shower and toweled herself dry. Since she hadn’t brought any clothes back from her trip, she went to Gabe’s closet to look through the clothes he had purchased for her. The guy was nuts. Who in their right mind would buy a whole wardrobe of clothes? Outragious prices and not that she would get to wear half of them. Did he send Andrea to buy these clothes? And how did he know her size? Everything, even the shoes, was in her size. She found a pair of leggings and a long top to wear, then she went searching for some underwear. Dressed Ana joined Gabe in the kitchen.

  “Good you are here. I was just about to come and look for you.” He took her hand and walked her over to the kitchen island where two places had been set. “Sit,” he said as he pulled out a chair for her.

  “I couldn’t possibly eat all this,” Ana said waving her hand at her plate piled high with food.

  “Ana. You didn’t eat last night.”

  “I know, but it’s still too much,” she cried out.

  “Fine. Eat what you can.” He went back to the kitchen then asked her, “Tea or coffee?”

  “I prefer tea if you have it.”

  He poured them both tea, and sat down beside her and they both ate their breakfast. More like brunch really, Ana thought.

  “Did you manage to see your parents much when you went to Dallas?”

  “Mostly my mom. We spent yesterday morning together at her charity. Lot’s of physical labor.”

  “I guess that is why you were so tired when you arrived.”

  “Yes, that with the bumpy ride back home. I’m surprised my body isn’t black and blue from all that jostling.”

  “I’m glad you made it back safely.”

  “So am I. I almost wished I had taken the flight out today instead. My mum wasn’t happy when I insisted I would be okay.”

  “You should have listened to your mum. I had hoped the flight would be cancelled altogether when I heard about the storms,” he told her.

  “You did? How did you know I was on that flight anyway?” Ana wouldn’t be surprised he knew the CEO of the airline, and had pulled some strings.

  “I have my ways. But I would prefer that next time you be the one to tell me your flight details. Or better yet, you can use my private jet.”

  “Excuse me? You want me to use your private jet?” she asked surprised.

  “Yes, is that a problem?” he queried and arched his brow.

  “Yes. It. Is.” She stressed every word to make sure there were no misunderstandings.

  “You are angry, why?” he asked clearly surprised at her attitude.

  “First you shove the car at me, and now you are trying to do the same with your jet? And not forgetting the expensive clothes in the closet. Who did you send to buy them anyway?”

  “First, it’s safer for you to use the car. It’s at your disposal from here on.”


  “Second, my private jet would be safer too, and at least I would know your flight schedule.”

  “So that’s the reason, to know my whereabouts?”

  “Third, the clothes are a gift. I personally bought them for you. I actually enjoyed the experience.”

  “You need to stop throwing things at me. I don’t need a car at my disposal. I told you before, I have been using the train and cabs and they have worked fine so far. The same can be said for domestic flights. And I already have clothes at my apartment. I don’t need a second wardrobe.”

  “Are you trying to pick a fight with me, Ana?” he asked and folded his hands across his chest.

  “No, I am just trying to get that through your thick skull. You are so insufferable at times.”

  Gabe lunged and grabbed her head then smacked her lips with his. His chair fell as he stood up. Surprised Ana found herself gripped by Gabe and her mouth under his in a punishing kiss. Roughly she gave back as much as he took. Hands in his hair she pulled and twisted his hair. Picking her up from her chair Gabe lifted her off and brought her against his length. He walked her backwards until her back hit the wall. Not breaking the kiss, he brought his hands to her collar and ripped her top right through the bottom. He pulled the cup of one breast down and clamped his mouth on the breast. Gently teasing, he alternated between suckling the breast, grazing the nipple with his teeth.

  “Ah! Gabe.”

  “Yes, say my name.”


  He moved to the next breast, then pulled the cup down as well and gave it the same attention as its twin. Ana pushed her chest further out and when that wasn’t enough she pulled Gabe’s head closer.

  He pulled her leggings down together with her panties and cupped her mound. She was drenched. Inflamed, Gabe held her upright against the wall with his body and dipped one finger inside her sex. Two seconds later he inserted the second one and she came fast into his palm. He pulled her leggings back up and righted her bra and he held her in his arms before he sat with her on his lap on the chair she had just vacated.

  Stirring, Ana looked at Gabe, “That was…”

  “Intense,” he finshed for her.

  Yes it was. She sighed. “Gabe we have to talk.”

  “No we don’t.”

  “Yes, we do. We were having a discussion and the next thing you’re doing is attacking me.”

  “Attacking you? I like the sound of that.”

  “Let me down and focus.” This wasn’t going the way Ana wanted it to go.

  “Compromise. If I promise to focus, can I keep holding onto you?” he pleaded.

  “You compromise? That will be the day.”

  “I can learn,” he looked hurt and Ana almost laughed.

  Picking her battles, Ana agreed. “Look, I am not comfortable with you throwing money at me. The car, the jet, the clothes. The least you could have done was asked and not forced things down on me.”

  “Would you have agreed?”

  “No. But that’s not the

  “And the point is?”

  She sighed again. “Are you choosing to be dense, or do you seriously not get it?” Ana asked him.

  “Ana, I am a rich man. A very rich man. I like sharing my wealth with people I care about. And right now you are one of those people. I know that you would never ask, but then I prefer that I just spoil you.”

  “Gabe, I am not here because of your money.”

  “Baby, I know that.”

  “It’s too much. You don’t seem to know when to stop.”

  “I’ll try to tone it down. How is that for a start?”


  After a minute, he came back and said, “No idea, but I am sure I will think of something.”

  “Oh. God.” Ana groaned and held her palms to her forehead, “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Well, you could…”

  “Gabe. That was a rhetorical question.” She shifted until she turned to face him more. “How about we start with a compromise?”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I will agree to the car for today. Forget the jet. Agree to the clothes that have already been purchased. Any future purchases will have to be agreed on by both of us.”

  “Sounds reasonable enough.”

  “Okay, great.”

  “No, I’m not done. I will agree to the car, for indefinite use. I agree about the jet, for now anyway. The clothes too, but I have to replace what I just damaged.”

  “I will agree to the use of the car if I am coming to your office or penthouse, and anything that relates to you and me. But other than that, I will find my own transportation.”

  “Fine, as long as we can re-negotiate at a future date.”

  That was like being run over by a freight train. “You can put me down now.”

  “I think I would rather spend the rest of the day like this.”

  “I wasn’t done with my breakfast.” That seemed to work like a charm. No sooner had Ana mentioned her unfinished break, had Gabe settled her back in her chair.

  “Let me warm it up for you.”

  “No, that okay. I just want the toast and maybe a fresh cup of tea.”

  “Well at least you ate half of the food.” Gabe grumbled and took a clean plate from the kitchen and placed her toast on it then took their two plates and cleaned them. When the water boiled he brought her a fresh cup of tea. Ana sipped until it had cooled down a bit, and watched Gabe washing up. Eccentric? That seemed to fit him, Ana thought as she washed down her toast with the tea.

  “Is Kelly sleeping?”

  “By now yes, why?”

  “Since your body is hurting from yesterday’s physical labor and the bumpy plane ride, I was thinking I could take you for a massage at the spa and if Kelly was available, have her join you and then you would spend more time together.”

  Screaming and shrieking Ana landed in Gabe’s arms. Fortunately his hands were empty and he caught her as she literally jumped into them. Not quite sure what was happening he stood dumb founded as she rained kisses all over his face.


  “Uh..huh!” Was that a trick question?

  She smiled broadly, and placed another kiss on his lips this time. “Thank you,” Ana said with a huge grin directed at him.

  “You are not angry?”

  “No, why would I be?”

  “You were just accusing me of throwing money at you a few moments ago.”

  “I know. But this is a girly thing. You did good this time. It’s not the same as before.” Ana wiggled until her feet touched the floor, she walked away. “I need to change and call Kelly.”

  “I thought you said she was sleeping,” but Ana had already left.

  Okay then. Maybe spa days were the way to go then. No clothes, no car, no jet but yes to the spa. Gabe decided he would shower her with spa days every day if it were possible. Maybe every week. It sounded like a plan.

  “I’m ready.” Ana walked back into the kitchen where Gabe was working on his laptop. “Do you need to work?” she asked him.

  “No, I was just checking something. Let me grab my coat and we can go.” Ana had changed into her signature skirt and knee high boots. She looked sexy and he couldn’t wait to have sex with her in just her boots. Linking their fingers, he walked her to the elevator and stepped inside. As they got off the elevator, Gabe’s Bentley was just pulling up. He opened the door for her and they slipped inside.

  When John asked where to, Gabe turned to Ana and asked, “Are we picking up Kelly?”


  “Ana’s apartment,” he told John and then closed the privacy glass. “Isn’t she supposed to be sleeping?”

  “Yes, but she is not going to work tonight. She pulled a double so she is only going back tomorrow night.”

  “After the double, don’t you think she would need to sleep?”

  “Yeah she would, but she would never forgive me if she knew there was an invitation to the spa and I didn’t wake her up. Or at least gave her the option to refuse. Besides she prefers sleeping in the morning only so she can sleep again at night. If she is not active during the afternoon she spends the whole night awake and she hates that,” Ana explained.

  “You know we could have postponed this to another day that she would be off?”

  “Maybe, but by then my body would have heeled from the bumpy plane ride.”

  “I could give you a personal massage at home,” he offered.

  “You could?” She smiled at him, leaned into his body and kissed his cheek. “I’ll take that as a raincheck for another day I need a massage.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” Gabe smiled into her face and held her head steady for his kiss. Ana deepened the kiss, played with his tongue and took him for a ride until the car stopped. “If this is the treatment I get to the offer of a massage or a spa day, I will gladly offer that to you everyday.”

  “That would be overdoing it,” she told him.

  “I figured. I guess I have to find something else then. Care to tell me what?” he asked with a hopeful expression.

  “That’s for me to know and you to find out,” she said smugly, then climbed out when John opened her door.

  He smiled back as if to say, ‘bring it on’. “I’ll wait here,” he told her instead.

  Ana rushed upstairs and found Kelly putting on her boots. “I hope you are not mad at me for waking you up.”

  “No, I would have been mad if you hadn’t,” Kelly told her.

  She laughed. “I told Gabe the same thing when he asked me the same question,” Ana said explaining her laugh.

  “I would never have forgiven you,” she replied and straightened. “So what brought this spa day on, anyway?”

  “I’ll tell you. We need to leave so you can make your meeting with Brad later.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Kelly said and shivered.

  Arms linked the two friends walked outside and Gabe who was leaning against the car opened the door for them.

  “Kelly, how are you?” he asked hugging her.

  “Good. Thanks. You seem to be in better spirits than the other day we spoke on the phone.”

  “Much better, thanks,” he responded and winked at her.

  In the limo, Gabe settled next to Ana who had Kelly on her other side. The ringing of Gabe’s phone allowed the friends to have some time to talk. Afraid Gabe would over hear them they stayed away from personal stuff.

  As they stepped out of the car, Kelly squeezed Ana’s hand. “Oh God, Ana. I love you, I really really love you.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Do you see where we are? Never in my wildest dreams. This thing between you and Gabe better last, because I intend on accompanying you on all your spa trips.”

  When John stooped the car, Gabe had finished his phone call. The girls sandwiched him as they walked into the foyer. They were greeted by sheer opulence. Just a trip into the foyer would be enough to drive the stress away.

this is gorgeous,” Kelly grinned at Ana. “Gabe, thank you very much. You don’t know how much I needed something like this.” She turned slightly and hugged him.

  He smiled at her and hugged her back. “You are welcome, Kelly.” They walked further then reached the reception area where a young blonde girl greeted them.

  “Do you have an appointment, sir?”

  “No, do we need one?” Gabe asked.

  “Not necessarily, but Saturdays are usually very busy and we could be booked depending on what you need.”

  “Ladies, why don’t you take the brochures and choose what you want, while I make a quick phone call.”

  It was already past noon and with Kelly’s appointment at seven with Brad, they had at least five hours available to them. They agreed to choose the same treatments so they could get a chance to talk, so they settled on the half day special. Soon after that, they got the royal treatment. Whoever Gabe had talked to on the phone had worked magic with the lady who was helping them.

  “Okay, I’ll pick you both at five thirty and then we will have a quick dinner before dropping Kelly for her appointment,” he told them then pulled Ana close, “Fair warning. There will be little to no sleeping tonight,” he whispered in her ear and kissed her. Passionately. Then walked away.

  Silence reigned in the lobby as everyone watched Gabe saunter away. At the door he turned and blew a kiss her way. Blushing, she turned and found everyone staring at her.

  “Nice ass,” Kelly whispered to her. They laughed and both turned as their names were called by another young girl, this one wearing a uniform.

  They spent an hour in the mud bath, a room that was just for the two of them. After their faces had been applied with a clay mask, they were left alone for the next hour. Ana told Kelly about her trip to Dallas, starting with what had happened during the day on Tuesday and how she had ended up in Dallas.

  “You upped the fee to two million dollars? Wow.”

  “Yeah. But I don’t feel guilty because it’s all going to charity.”

  “And he accepted?” Kelly asked surprised.

  “I guess so because the money was wired that afternoon, and by Friday morning was reflecting in my brothers’ business account.”