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Seduction Page 4

Laughing, Rafe replied, “Guess not. Seeing as they are all looking at you and you are ignoring them all. But you could at least pick one to scratch the itch.”

  “No itches to scratch my friend.”

  “The way you have been absent minded all evening says otherwise. It has woman written all over it.”

  “I think I have an idea of which woman,” Nate said deciding to join after all.

  “This conversation is over,” Gabe answered them. “Good night boys,” he continued as he stood up. As Gabe took the stairs from the upper floor to the lower level, he looked over to the dance floor and saw a flash of a face he thought he recognized. No glasses on her face. It didn’t make sense that he thought he had seen Ana. It seemed after only nursing a couple of beers he was now imagining Ana at the club. When he got to the lower level he saw that the girl he had seen was now sitting at the bar ordering a drink. And there was some guy smiling at her, who was standing next to her. He couldn’t make her features as her back to to him, but her posture was unmistakeable.

  “Scotch, neat.”

  That voice. Ana had spent more than half the day with Gabe yesterday and she would know that voice anywhere. But what was he doing here? Well, if she pretended like she hadn’t seen him, he would probably leave and she wouldn’t have to talk to him, right? Ana asked herself. Turning a little more to her companion, Ana tried to show more enthusiasm to his story. Gary had been shadowing her all night and since he worked with Kelly, she had been trying to make polite conversation all evening, but she just wasn’t into him but unfortunately he wasn’t getting her subtle hints. While her mind was trying to focus on Gary, her body was all focused on Gabe. Despite the number of people in the club, the charge she felt from him could not be mistaken. It was the same zing she had felt yesterday. How long could she keep this up?

  “Get rid of him,” she heard Gabe say in her ear.

  Forgetting her resolve to ignore the man, Ana turned to Gabe. “Excuse me?”

  “I thought you were trying to ignore me,” he arched an eyebrow.

  “I didn’t even see you.”

  “Liar. You heard me,” he said and bent down to kiss her lips. But Ana shifted and his kiss landed on her cheek. So soft, Gabe thought to himself.

  “Ana?” Gary was asking her something and she hadn’t heard him, what with the noise and Gabe taking all her attention. She had already forgotten poor Gary. “Who is this guy? Do you know him?”

  “Yes, I know him. But he is just passing through.” With that she jumped off the barstool and grabbed Gary’s hand and pulled him to the dance floor.

  Gary couldn’t believe his lucky stars. He had been trying to get her attention all evening and she hadn’t seemed to be interested. Maybe he was going to get lucky tonight after all. As they got to the dance floor, the song was almost at an end. When the next song morphed into a slow one, Ana felt strong arms come around her. The sizzle she felt alerted her that this wasn’t Gary anymore. And when she looked up, she found Gabe smiling down at her. Ana tried to disengage her body from his, but he only held tighter.

  “What are you doing?” she snapped.

  “Dancing with you.”

  “I don’t think that’s appropriate. Didn’t Rafe send you the report I sent him?”

  “He did, but still why wouldn’t it be appropriate?”

  “Look. This isn’t a good idea. Just tell me what you want, so you can be on your way.”

  “A dance for now. We can discuss the rest later.”

  Ana sighed when she realised she wasn’t going to shake him off. Hopefully he wouldn’t notice how affected she was by him. When the next song played, Gabe wouldn’t let her go, so she went along and enjoyed being held in his arms. It’s not like she would be seeing him again. And coincidences like these didn’t happen everyday. The nerd in her knew that the probability of not seeing him again was in her favor. But problem with probabilities is that, however small a chance, it could still happen. But she didn’t want to think about that small chance.

  Five songs later, Gabe took her hand and led her to the upper level. As much as he didn’t want to run into Rafe and Nate again, their table was more private and he could talk to Ana better there.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Somewhere with less noise so we can talk.” Interlocking their fingers, Gabe held on tight. He wanted to make sure she didn’t run away from him. This was the second time she had done that. Yesterday, he hadn’t been able to catch her in time before the elevator whisked her downstairs.

  “Ana, it’s a surprise seeing you here. Nate told me he caught you yesterday,” Rafe stood up and greeted her.

  “Yes we met. I always wondered if the Sullivan & Sullivan was father and son.”

  “Ana, good to see you again,” Nate stood and greeted Ana too.

  “Come and sit next to me and we can catch up,” Rafe said coming to take Ana’s hand to lead her to the sofa he had been sitting on earlier.

  Taking a step, Gabe stopped Rafe, “I have business to discuss with Ana.”

  “Business.” Just that one word said a lot between the three men. “Didn’t you say you were leaving a few minutes ago?” Rafe asked him.

  “I was leaving, and then bumped into Ana.”

  “And your business couldn’t wait until Monday? And who discusses business in a club?” Rafe went on needling Gabe.

  “You are right, Rafe,” Ana interrupted the two men. She had the feeling there was a double meaning to what they were saying, and this could be the escape she needed. “Why don’t I leave you gentlemen and…”

  “Just ignore Rafe. Sit here,” Gabe walked her to another sofa facing Rafe. He sat next to her then asked her what she wanted to drink. He motioned for their waitress and they all ordered drinks. Wanting her to feel comfortable, he let Rafe talk shop to Ana. Besides he didn’t want to talk with Ana in front of an audience. He would need to find another time for that. Now he could just get to enjoy her company. She wasn’t one to talk much about her personal life but at least even talking shop with Rafe and Nate, he got a few glimpses into her.

  “Excuse me,” Ana said as she stood.

  “Where are you going?” Gabe asked her as he followed her.

  “Do you usually follow women to the bathroom?” she asked him.

  “No, I don’t. But I have done a few unusual things since meeting you yesterday.” What he didn’t say was he needed to make sure she didn’t run away like she had done yesterday.

  “Like what?”

  “Inapropriate things I would like to do to you. You and me, one night,” he whispered into her ear.

  Ana didn’t reply, instead she licked her lips then darted into the bathroom. Thankfully there were only two people in the bathroom when Ana entered. Admiring the bathroom, Ana thought that this was one of the nicer clubs they had been to. She liked it and wouldn’t mind returning more often. As she washed her hands, she wondered if she could be so lucky as to ditch Gabe. He had been sitting so close to her, she was practically in his lap. She couldn’t imagine what Nate and Rafe thought about that. Hopefully they didn’t think they were an item or that she was some floozy hanging onto a billionaire. She was enjoying talking to the brothers. She had liked Rafe from the time she had met him a couple years back when he had asked her to help him with a problem one of his clients was having. And now meeting Nate, she found out that she liked him too.

  Gabe leaned against the wall, waiting outside the bathroom for Ana. He was glad they were on the upper floor, since he wouldn’t put it past her to climb out the window trying to ditch him. What was it about her? All other women ran to him, but she ran away from him. He had enjoyed sitting next to her. She wasn’t as immune to him as she pretended to be. He could imagine how she would look in his bed. He was glad he had come to the club after all, otherwise he would have missed seeing Ana.

  When Ana came out of the bathroom, she realised Gabe had been serious. He was waiting, talking to some other gentleman. This meant she would need
to move on to Plan B, leave the club on the pretext she was tired. She tried to get past them, but he snatched her hand and brought her to his side. The other guy nodded his head as a greeting then walked away. Ana saw him enter an office that was at the end of the corridor.

  Gabe needed to taste her lips. Like right now. He pulled Ana to him then took her face in his hands and kissed her. Ana opened her mouth in shock, and Gabe deepened the kiss. Switching positions, Gabe moved her to lean against the wall and plundered. Ana had never felt such hot and fast desire for a human being before. Gabe didn’t ask permission, he just took what he wanted. Coming up for air, Ana wondered if this was a dream. But he didn’t give her more than two seconds to think before he locked his lips with hers again. Ana felt her body heat up as her juices flowed into her panties.

  The insistent ringing of the phone finally broke them apart. Ana’s phone was ringing. She pulled it out of her pocket, and answered her friend. “Kelly,” she said breathlessly.

  “You okay Ana.”

  “I’m fine. Are you ready to go home?” Ana asked hoping she could escape. Where had that kiss come from? If it could be called a kiss.

  “No, not yet. I was just wondering where you were. Haven’t seen you in a while and Gary said something about you dancing with some stranger.”

  Bummer, she had hoped Kelly would have been her ticket out of here. “Uhhh. I’m on the upper level.”

  “Okay. But who is the stranger Gary said was all over you?”

  “That’s an exaggeration. I’ll come and join you in a minute. Let me…” Before she could finish, the phone was out of her hand.

  “Kelly, you are Ana’s friend right?’ He didn’t even wait for an answer before he plunged on. “This is Gabe Boyd. Why don’t you come and join us on the upper level?”

  “Oh my God! What are you doing?” Ana whispered. “Give me back that phone.” Despite the effort Ana put into trying to retrieve her phone, success eluded her. Gabe just turned the other way and continued talking as if she didn’t exist.

  “I’m with Ana. There’s four of us right now. Bring your friends if you want.”

  “Are you sure?” Kelly asked.

  “Yes. See you in a bit,” Gabe answered Kelly and disconnected the call.

  “What was that?” Ana frowned at him.

  “What was what?”

  “Don’t be stupid. You grabbing my phone and…” Her next words were swallowed by Gabe’s kiss. Ana tried to fight him, but she was no match and soon enough she was enjoying the kiss. His lips were soft but firm on her mouth. He took control of the kiss and kissed her like she had never been kissed before. Nipping her lower lip, Gabe pulled away and took Ana’s hand.

  “Let’s go. Your friend will be looking for us.”

  Dazed and still reeling from the kiss, Ana let him lead her back to her seat. As they rounded the corner, they both saw Kelly walking over with Brad – the doctor who had been trying to ask Kelly out for the past couple of months. Seeing them together, Ana realized her friend Kelly had finally agreed to go out with Brad. Ana thought they made a cute couple. Brad looked like he adored Kelly.

  Introductions were made and another couch materialized to their little section. The six of them placed an order for more drinks which didn’t take long to be filled. As much as Gary might have exaggerated earlier about Gabe being all over Ana, this time Gabe was all over Ana without a doubt. At first it was subtle and when Ana tried to discourage his roaming hands, he finally made no mistake about where his hands landed. Trying to avoid a scene, she let him be. As much as she had hoped Kelly would see her discomfort and come to her aid, Kelly seemed to think nothing was wrong at all. Brad was possessively holding Kelly, as if to say, ‘she’s mine’. And Kelly was all smiles. Ana wasn’t sure if that was because Gabe was hanging onto her like a leach, or that Brad was all over Kelly. Hopefully it was the latter.

  After a while Ana relaxed and just enjoyed the evening. The company was great and the drinks were plentiful. But she was careful to nurse her drinks for as long as she could. She needed to keep a clear head. This was not one of the days one could afford to be drunk and wake up in the wrong bed. If Kelly decided to go home with Brad, she would be going home alone. The next thing Ana knew was when their waitress came to get the last round of drinks. Time really does fly when you are having fun, well as much fun as you can have while practically sitting onto someone’s lap who isn’t even your boyfriend. When the bill came, Rafe signed it and they all stood up. The club was almost empty. Most of the people who had been on the lower level had left, except a few who were finishing their liquor at the bar. A few more were still lingering on the upper level, finishing off their drinks.

  Gabe took her hand and interlocked their fingers as they walked downstairs. He took her coat ticket and helped her into her coat. Ana saw Brad help Kelly with her coat too. “I’ll take you ladies home,” Gabe said looking at both Ana and Kelly. “Unless if Kelly is going with Brad.”

  “No, I am going with Ana,” Kelly answered.

  “Brad if you need a ride, we can give you one,” Gabe offered Brad.

  “That would be great, thanks. I live just two blocks from here,” Brad answered.

  As they said their goodbyes to Nate and Rafe, the four of them got into Gabe’s limo.

  Not surprised anymore, Ana saw Gabe maneuver so that they ended up sitting together. They dropped Brad off and soon enough reached Ana & Kelly’s building. When Ana saw Gabe getting out too, she tried to tell him it wasn’t necessary, they could make it safely inside.

  “My mother taught me to escort ladies to their door,” he told Ana while taking her hand again. “Besides, there could be some crazy person hanging around your floor.”

  Ana just rolled her eyes and started walking. Kelly opened the door, and instead of Gabe leaving, he followed them inside. Kelly went to her bedroom as soon as she thanked Gabe for the ride home and winked at Ana. Ana wasn’t so lucky. She thanked him for the ride then opened the door, an indication that he should leave. But Gabe seemed to have other plans.

  “How about a nightcap?” Gabe asked instead and closed the door Ana had opened.

  Laughing, Ana answered back. “I think you have had enough alcohol for the night. I wouldn’t want you passing out on our floor.”

  “In that case, we could make it coffee.”

  “Look Gabe, I don’t mean to be rude.”

  “And yet you are.”

  Sighing, “Look it’s almost three in the morning. Do you really want coffee now? Most people can’t sleep after that,” Ana replied.

  “You are right. How about something else instead?”

  “Okay, what would that be? Water?” Ana asked him, hoping she wouldn’t regret the question.

  “This,” Gabe said and moved faster than Ana could blink. Reaching for her head he held her and lowered his head, until his lips met hers. His hold was firm, but his kiss was gentle and soft. He pushed his tongue in between her lips, coaxing her to open up. Ana opened up and Gabe moved his tongue in. He kept the kiss soft and devoured her sweet mouth. Ana didn’t realize Gabe had moved her, until she felt the wall at her back.

  Gabe continued his assault of Ana’s mouth. He had kissed many women in his thirty two years, but none had ever tasted as sweet as Ana. He had to have her, but he didn’t want to frighten her. He hoped he had made his meaning clear this evening. He knew he had been all over her, but he needed her to get used to him touching her. He had never been the touchy touchy guy, but something about Ana made him want to keep touching her. He couldn’t wait to touch all of her. The one night he had mentioned earlier, was no longer an option. He wanted many, many nights of her in his bed.

  When Gabe moved his hands to her breasts, Ana gasped against his mouth. With his fingers he pulled at her nipples through the soft fabric of her top. At that point Ana remembered that her top hadn’t allowed her to wear a bra, and although it wasn’t noticeable when you looked at her, Gabe definitely noticed it when he pulled her n
ipples. She felt his hands move to her waist, then under her top.

  Her skin was so soft, he thought. The erection he had tried to hide from Ana was now front and center against her stomach. He kissed her face and trailed kisses to her earlobe. Moving his hands to her upper back, Gabe confirmed that Ana wasn’t wearing a bra. His erection got bigger. He brought his hands to the front, and cupped her breasts. “Jesus, you really are not wearing a bra,” Gabe whispered in her ear while nibbling her earlobe.

  “This isn’t a good idea,” Ana whispered. “I think we need to stop.” But as much as she wanted this to stop, Ana also wanted to feel Gabes hands all over her. Need was pulling at her. She had been aching for his touch all night. His hands had been all over her tonight, making her ache in places she didn’t know existed until today.

  “You are probably right, but I need to see you.” Pulling back he lifted her top and his eyes grew wide. Ana had always been a little shy of her smaller than normal breasts. She had never moved past the A cup bra size and at times would wear padded bras to give her breasts volume. But with Gabe’s gaze on her breast, she felt like she was a D cup size. The way his eyes lit up, was like a kid in a candy store.

  He latched onto one nipple and softly suckled it before moving to the next nipple. Ana’s soft moans escalated when she felt Gabe’s hands cupping her sex. She was drenched right through her panties and jeans. Next she felt one finger then two enter her. “Oh God!” she cried out wanting to give him better access. His other hand held her nape, before he threaded his fingers through her soft hair and massaged her scalp. Ana held Gabe’s head in her hands and pushed her breasts out as she pulled his head closer. Gabe increased the pressure on her breasts, using his teeth to graze then soothe with his tongue. Ana moaned and asked for release. Gabe moved his fingers wildly inside Ana’s pussy and then with one final flick of his fingers Ana came hard and fast. He caught her loud cry in his mouth and continued to kiss her softly until her orgasm was over.

  “What was that?” she asked.

  “Baby, that was me, giving you an orgasm. A taste of what it can be for us, together.”