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Seduction Page 6

  He couldn’t wait to be inside her, but that would be for another day. For now he just wanted to give her pleasure, show her what they could have together, prepare her so she would have no option but to agree to whatever he wanted. He still didn’t think he wanted a relationship, but he definitely wanted more than one night with Ana. If what he wanted was called a relationship, then he would call it that too. But one way or the other, he was intent on having her. He was just glad that she didn’t have a boyfriend, so there was nobody to fight off.

  He pulled down the zipper of her dress and the dress fell to the floor. Ana wrestled with Gabe’s coat which also followed her dress to the floor. Gabe lifted her, and only to immediately drop her onto the bed and follow her down. Their frantic kissing continued as their hands felt each other’s bodies. Moving down her body, Gabe latched onto a nipple and pulled hard. Today she was wearing the most amazing barely there black lacey bra. He suckled her through the bra and then moved to the next breast and gave it the same attention as its twin. One hand slid down until he reached her sex. Ana was very very wet. Gabe’s cock swelled and hardened like marble. It was good to know he could affect her in this way. Ana was his.

  Soft, faint moans filled the room, that soon changed in tempo when Gabe found and played around with her clit. She bucked off the bed but was held down by Gabe’s body on top of hers. Gabe trailed kisses from Ana’s breasts to her stomach, her belly button and finally he reached her sex. He pulled her black thong off, opened her legs wider and licked her clit. Again she bucked but Gabe held her down once more. “Please,” she cried out.

  He licked her folds again and again then thrust his tongue deep inside. Imitating what he wanted to do to her with his cock, Gabe went deeper with his tongue. Ana cried out as she orgasmed. He rode her orgasm with her never stopping his assault of her sex with his tongue and his fingers on her nub. When Ana slowly came to and opened her eyes, she found Gabe’s face next to hers. He smiled then kissed her. She had never tasted herself, but did as his lips and tongue worshipped hers.

  “That was fantastic,” he said to her while holding her gaze. “You okay, baby?”

  In a daze, Ana nodded. She couldn’t find her voice. After that who could? And they hadn’t even had intercourse. What would happen if they did?

  He saw her robe at the foot of her bed and helped her put it on, took her hand as they walked to the door. Gabe opened the door, gave Ana one last long kiss, then told her to lock after him and closed the door on his way out.

  Once Gabe heard the locks clicking in place, he took the elevator down to the first floor. As Gabe got into the Bentley he was thinking of re-strategizing. He wanted to give her time to adjust and get used to the idea of them sleeping together. For one thing, she was easily spooked. But on the other hand, he wasn’t sure how long he could last, and he had already noticed how she tended to overthink when given too much time. That spark that he had felt the first day they had met, had just ignited and he wasn’t interested in putting that fire out. Instead he would rather add gas to let it burn hotter. He would gladly get burned when he finally had her in his bed. He hoped they could have a mutually satisfying relationship, sexually that is. But he wasn’t averse to spending time with Ana.

  She intrigued him. These last two days she had really opened up. He wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol from both nights, Nate and Rafe’s company or having her friend as chaperone tonight. Yes, that had been quick thinking on his part, inviting her friend Kelly to join them. If it weren’t for Kelly, she would have flat out refused to have dinner with him. He was pretty sure she would have opted for going hungry rather than taking his dinner offer. He smiled remembering. He had seen how ticked off she had been about the flowers. Gabe was sure she had not been happy yesterday when she had been woken up that early in the morning for a delivery of flowers, and from him of all people. At least today he had waited till mid morning. He remembered that her eyes had sparkled with anger when he had mentioned the flowers.

  With that in mind, Gabe asked John to stop by the florist so he would order her another bouquet. He only wished he could be a fly on the wall and get to witness her anger again tomorrow morning. He was sure that this time, she would call. Yesterday, he hadn’t been so sure but had hoped all day long that she would call. He had hung around his office all day long, like a teenage girl, waiting for her call. Today had been the same and wondered if she would be brave enough to call his cellphone, and when she hadn’t had decided to take matters into his own hands and pay her a visit.

  Most women, his sister ahead in line, could talk you to death. Ana was the opposite. She didn’t like talking much, except when alcohol loosened her tongue. Now that he knew what could loosed her up, he was sure to ply her with it. The wine may come in handy. Not that he wanted to get her drunk. When they came together, he wanted all her faculties at full operational capacity. He wanted her to take full part in the action and give her something she would never forget.

  Was there ever a woman in his thirty two years who had ever made him feel the way Ana made him feel? He tried to think back, even as far back as a horny teenager but couldn’t come up with anything. Gabe caught himself whistling as he entered his penthouse apartment. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.


  When Gabe left, Ana leaned against the door and wondered about what had just happened. Again. Had she kissed Gabe like a teenager? Again. Surely at twenty two she could have shown more finese? More like assaulted him if her memory served her right. If she hadn’t felt his excitement, she might have been embarrassed. Right now, wasn’t the time for embarrassment, but tomorrow she was sure it would come down in spades. She wasn’t sure how she would ever face him again. As much as she wished she wouldn’t ever see him again, she didn’t think even if she prayed, her prayers would be answered. Gabe seemed like a man on a mission. It was both scary and exciting.

  She had never felt like this before, but she didn’t want to think it meant anything to Gabe. He was used to kissing far more sophisticated women than her, so what did he want from her? He had pleasured her and she had thought he would take it further, but he had left. He had licked her and enjoyed doing it and she had come all over his mouth? Or was that a figment of her imagination? As much as she may have been slightly tipsy when they left the restaurant, Ana had been wide awake as soon as Gabe had taken the kiss deeper when she had allowed him entry. Touching her lips, she realised they were still swollen. Thank God I don’t have to face Kelly right now, Ana thought.

  The evening had gone far much better than she had thought it would. She was glad she had decided to loosen up and enjoy the dinner with her friend. With Kelly’s crazy schedule at the hospital, they didn’t get to go out a lot. It was mostly either her cooking or take out. Only when she had a couple of days off would they be able to dine out and make it a real treat, but then never at fancy places like the place they had gone to tonight. And certianly not on a ‘school night’, as they called it, when Kelly had to go to work the next day. She worked long shifts, at times double shifts, so they avoided going out to allow Kelly to use all available time to sleep.

  On days that Kelly had more than a day off, Ana liked clearing her schedule so they could be together. They usually did touristy stuff, rented a car and drove around to neighboring states. Sometimes it was just a day trip, but at times they would rent a room and sleep over. On the days that they were not tourists, they would have their hair and nails done and hit a club or two, and just do girly stuff.

  Looking back, she realised Kelly had truly only agreed to the dinner for her benefit. Kelly had known she would have refused, same way she had refused to call Gabe and thank him for the flowers. Switching off the lights, Ana walked to her room and slided into bed. Suddenly she felt tired and slept until an insistent buzz woke her up.


  By the time she got up, Kelly had already answered the intercom and the same teenager from the last two days was at the door. This time she had no
misconception of who had sent the flowers. Kelly had already accepted them and placed them on the coffee table. One was a large bouquet of orange roses and the other was a bouquet of irisies. It was almost like a flower shop now.

  “Somebody has been busy,” she said while plucking the cards on both bouquets. Kelly smiled and handed her the card she had pulled from the orange roses.

  ‘Kelly. Thank you for a wonderful dinner. Gabe.’ Kelly read aloud from her card. “Smooth. What did he say to you, Ana? I am sure it is not a simple ‘thank you’ like mine.”

  Ana hadn’t pulled the little card from the tiny envelope. She was still admiring the lovely flowers. They were little buds of orange roses that were just about to open up and bloom any second. They were so many she was certain it was probably ten or fifteen dozen of the tiny buds. When did he get time to order flowers? She was certain he had stopped by a florist shop and written the cards himself. She now recognized his handwriting. She just hoped he hadn’t woken up someone in order to open the store just so he could make his order. Pulling the card out she read, ‘Last night was magnificent! G.’

  “I get wonderful, and you get magnificent, what gives? Spill it Summers.”

  Ana went red. She hoped Kelly wouldn’t notice. So wrong.

  “What happened after I left the two of you together? Did he sleep here?”

  “No he did not,” she replied indignantly.

  “Okay, but something happened. I am not leaving until you tell me.

  “He kissed me,” Ana whispered.

  “Wow. Like he did before we went to dinner?”

  “You saw that?”

  “Aha! It was hot.”

  “So hot. Way hot,” Ana said as she fanned herself.

  “I guess I don’t have to ask if he is a good kisser. Your eyes already tell me that.” Hugging Ana, Kelly said, “I am happy for you. And don’t you second guess yourself. Just have fun.”

  “I don’t want to get hurt, Kels. I think he likes me, but I am not sure what he wants from me exactly. I am probably just some amusement for him.”

  “I know, honey. But you cannot let that rule your life. We all get hurt one way or another. It’s just the way it is. Besides, Gabe doesn’t strike me as the type to use you for his amusement. He may have done that to the women before you, but I think he really likes you. A lot.”

  “You think?” she asked with both hope and trepidation.

  “Look at the way he is chasing you. Compared to his other relationships, it has been the women chasing him. Ride the wave. If things become serious, I will be here to share your joy, and if not, I will still be here to comfort you. But you have to give it a chance.”

  “When did you become so wise?”

  “I was born wise.” And with that she turned saying she was going to get back to bed.

  “I thought you were going to work this morning?”

  Stopping, Kelly looked back and said, “I was, but it was changed to afternoon instead. Good thing too, because I really need more hours of sleep. Not that I am complaining but the past two nights and shopping yesterday has all been draining. I think I am getting old.”

  “I never thought I would hear that day. Where has all the energy gone to Kels? You never seemed to be able to stop in college.”

  “Well that was college. Now I am an old woman who works for a living,” she said and grinned.

  “In that case you do need your sleep.” Ana laughed at her. “Not that I will admit to being old, but I think I will go and lie down too.” Walking over to Kelly, Ana hugged her. “Thanks for the talk.”


  As much as Gabe wanted to spend Sunday with Ana he decided to give her some space, hoping she would use the time to think about him, and where this thing between them was going. Never before had he been that attracted to a woman. And never before had he spent time thinking about a woman, more like fantasizing about a woman. Even a teenager’s fantasies were not as graphic as his. The last few days he had been taking cold showers, courtesy of Ana. Not that the cold showers had helped much. He was more convinced than ever that sinking into Ana, taking her body, pleasuring her while pleasuring himself with her body was his one and only option. And he intended to do that sooner than later. Tomorrow he would lay it out in the open with her. With that decision in mind, he went to his childhood home and spent a few hours with his mother and siblings.

  Later that afternoon Nate and Rafe came to his penthouse. The news he received from them wasn’t good. They were making progress, but very slow progress, if any at all. This SOB had really covered his or her tracks very well. They had a few people who knew how to hack, but this was beyond their capabilities. Their best bet was to get a professional hacker who could most likely do this in less time than they had already taken so far. The best hackers worked solo and off the grid. And locating them was based on who you know and if that person could get you a meeting. And this is where Ana came in. Even Rafe had not been aware Ana was Zeus, despite that they had worked together a couple of times before. According to Nate, she was one of the best, if not the best.

  Getting her services would not be cheap, and Gabe needed to make a decision on whether he was on board with trying to see if she would change her mind and help out.

  “Let me see if I can get her to change her mind,” Gabe told them.

  “You don’t sound very confident,” Rafe smirked. “You looked nice and cozy at the club, but she wasn’t hanging onto you like most of your women. Losing your touch, Gabe?”

  “I wouldn’t say I was losing my touch.”

  “What would you call it?” Nate asked. “I’m all ears.”

  “Are you two ganging up on me?”

  “Seems like you are trying to avoid answering the question.” Rafe said and laughed.

  “Not at all. Ana is…”

  “…is what?” Nate queried.

  “…different. Skittish. I have to be careful how I approach this subject with her.”

  Nate sipped his beer. “Are we still talking about the problem at hand, or your personal interest in her?”

  “Like I said before, you are losing your touch. You have known her more than twenty four hours and it seems she hasn’t let you in.” Rafe came back at him again. “Heck! The women you usually go for would have been on you within the first hour you glanced at them.” Draining his beer, Rafe continued, “If you need help, I can step in.”

  Growling, “Don’t even think about it,” Gabe answered him.

  Grinning, Rafe continued to taunt Gabe, “Just trying to help buddy.”

  “I’m good. Twenty four hours. And I will get back to you. Forty eight hours tops.”

  With that Nate and Rafe said their good-byes and left Gabe to ponder his current situation. A man didn’t get to be in his position without facing challenges along the way. Ana, however, was a different sort of challenge altogether. Not that he would admit how much of a challenge to Rafe.


  Not wanting to spend the afternoon indoors by herself, Ana decided to go and have coffee at the Starbucks a block down. Today the weather seemed to be colder than the last few days, but she didn’t care. She loved the cold. Dressing warmly she grabbed a coat and left her apartment. As she got out of the elevator she saw Gary by the intercom.

  “Hi Gary. Kelly is at work,” Ana looked at him, puzzled at his presence here.

  Gary turned when he heard her voice and saw her walk towards him. He smiled then said, “I was actually looking for you.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “Ahhhh. Can we talk?”

  “Sure, but I was just going to get some coffee at Starbucks down the block. Would you like to join me?”

  “Sure, I’ll come with you,” he replied her.

  Walking together, they talked about Friday night and his coworkers from the small private hospital he worked at with Kelly. He was Kelly’s senior by a year, but seeing how small the hospital was, almost everybody knew each other and thus the medical staff there tended to
socialize together too.

  They ordered coffee and found a free table. The cold weather outside tended to draw more people inside than a normal day.

  “So what did you want to talk about?” Ana asked Gary.

  “I am sorry I deserted you on Friday at the club.”

  Laughing, “Don’t worry about it. I doubt Gabe gave you much choice,” Ana replied.

  “No, but how do you know him Ana?” he asked worried.

  How could she answer that without revealing how they really met, but being as truthful as possible? Not that Ana owed Gary any answers. But he seemed to be genuinely concerned about her. “Business.”

  “Business? You have business with Gabe Boyd?”

  “Sort of. I really can’t talk about it.”

  “That guy is bad news, Ana.”

  “How so?”

  Taking Ana’s hand on the table, Gary held it in his two hands. “He uses women. He doesn’t have long term relationaships with women, more like one night stands.”

  “And how would you know this?” Ana asked and extricated her hand from both of Gary’s.

  Flushing, Gary responded, “Look, I am just worried. You disappeared with him and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “Thanks Gary. But I can look after myself.”


  Standing, “I need to get back,” Ana cut Gary off.

  “Okay. Be careful.” Gary stood and helped Ana with her coat. “Let me walk you back.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I do. I am sorry I pissed you off.”

  “That’s okay. I am glad you care enough to warn me. Not that I didn’t already know.”

  “Are you expecting company?” Ana heard Gary asking her as they neared her apartment.

  “No, why do you ask?”

  “Look ahead, you seem to have a visitor, and he is looking this way.”

  Ana had been lost in thought otherwise she would have noticed Gabe’s limo parked out front. And also noticed Gabe hanging around the front of the apartment entrance. Getting closer, both Gary and Ana could see that he was not in the best of moods. Wondering why he seemed in such a foul mood and why he was even here, Ana approached him, with Gary at her side.