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Seduction Page 8

  “I need more than a night to think about it.”

  “How much time?” he asked and placed his hands in his pockets.

  “A month?” Did she just pose it as a question or a statement? She wasn’t even sure herself.

  Throwing his head back, he laughed, then said, “Try again, baby.”

  “I need a month.” This time a statement.

  “I still don’t see anything wrong with just one night. That’s twenty four hours.”

  “Are you for real? I can come down to two weeks,” Ana said trying to negotiate. And not even sure why she had to negotiate at all.

  “No, I think one day is more than enough. We have already danced around this issue since Friday night.”

  “Okay, fine a week then. And that’s my final offer,” Ana huffed and shifted her legs.

  “Since I am a nice guy, I will agree to two days.”

  “Nice guy my ass. A week.”

  “Ana, accept the two days, otherwise we will go back to my original offer.” Eyes twinkling, he moved closer to her, “And I do like your ass.”


  “So soft,” he whispered and caressed her face with the back of his hand. Turning his hand over, Gabe cupped her cheek with his palm. Ana closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. “And beautiful,” he added while moving his thumb and pulling her lip slightly down, exposing a little bit of her teeth. As Gabe caressed her bottom lip with the thumb he moved his other hand to pull the pony tail free and weaved his fingers through Ana’s hair. “You drive me crazy, you know that? Hmmm.” Not waiting for a reply he continued, “I haven’t been sane since I met you. I haven’t slept much. The few hours that I have managed to sleep, my dreams have been filled with you, and when I wake up, I am hard because of you. Never has a woman done that to me before. In all my thirty two years. I am not letting you go anywhere until we both explore this thing between us. Whatever it is. I know you feel it too, so don’t bother denying it. The sooner you can accept it the sooner we can be together. And the sooner we can enjoy each other.”


  “No, don’t Ana. It’s going to happen.” Slowly his head descended for a quick kiss.

  “I still think it’s a bad idea.”

  “It’s the best idea I have had in a long time, baby. Don’t fight it. Just enjoy it. The two of us are good together. And when I finally take you to bed, it will be explosive.”

  “Gabe…” Ana tried again.

  “Kiss me good-bye, and make it count, baby.”

  As soon as Ana kissed Gabe, her kiss turned from innocent to smoldering hot in a nano second. “Jesus. Your mouth, Ana.” Taking over Gabe tilted her head and plundered her mouth. Pushing her against the door he teased her bottom lip, then also teased the top one, and with his tongue he teased her inner mouth. Ana couldn’t help but feel his erection against her stomach again. In a haze, Ana saw Gabe’s mouth move from her mouth to her right nipple. When did Gabe undo her blouse? She couldn’t remember much since Gabe took over the kiss. The ache in her center started all over again and sharpened to the point of pain. She squeezed her legs tighter together. Gabe moved to her other nipple and brought his right hand down to the edge of her short skirt which stopped slightly above her knee. Pulling it up while sliding his hand underneath he reached her center then cupped her there.

  “Baby,” he said as he lifted his head slightly and looked into her face, “you are so wet. Again.” Moving his mouth back to her mouth, Gabe slipped one finger inside Ana’s core. Immediately, Ana’s pleasure meter shot and climbed at an exponential rate. Her whole body was tingling and felt strange, like she had never been pleasured before meeting Gabe, probably not. A few minutes ago, Gabe had given her an orgasm like no other. It was pleasure beyond anything, but she was ready to go again. Her hips started moving and Gabe slid a second finger.

  “Oh Gabe,” she whispered with surrender.

  “Yes baby,” he said and lifted his head from her mouth. “Tell me you like it,” his voice demanded. “Tell me you want more.”

  “Yes, yes. Oh God!”

  “Ana,” he croaked as he heard her surrender and felt her need sharp within him. Gabe pulled his fingers out of her, and carried her from the door to her bed. Laying her down, he pulled her butt to the edge of the bed and pushed her skirt to her waist. Then he knelt on the floor, and lifted her legs, and placed them both on his shoulders. Suddenly his mouth was on her sex. When Ana bucked off the bed, Gabe chuckled. So responsive, he thought. He held her thighs steady and pushed his tongue inside. “God, you drive me insane.” He thrust and moved his tongue at a fast pace, keeping the pressure and increasing the speed until Ana could bear it no more and screamed for the zillionth time that evening, as a violent release shook her. Gabe heard his name on her lips and smiled with triumph. The orgasm continued with Gabe licking Ana’s cum from her sex, until she was dry.

  “I like the way you scream my name when you come. But the next time you come, I need to be deep inside you,” he told her with a satisfied smile on his lips.

  Limp, and with no strength to move or speak Ana lay on the bed. Crouching on the floor, Gabe gently pulled her into his arms, and sat her on his lap. He kissed her, from her chest, up until he reached her lips. Ana tasted herself on Gabe’s lips and wondered how he would taste in her mouth. She had never given a guy head, but now felt the need to do that to Gabe. He placed her head on his shoulder, and continued to hold and soothe her as he ran his hands up and down her back.

  This is getting out of hand. If I don’t get out of here, I won’t be responsible for what happens next, Gabe thought to himself. He hadn’t meant for that second round. He never thought his plan could backfire. And now, once again his cock was as hard as stone and even a cold shower would do little to alleviate the pain he was feeling. “Are you sleeping?” he whispered into her ear.

  “No, just enjoying the feel of your chest.”

  “When you say things like that, I’m likely to forget the promies I just made you. So as much as I’m enjoying holding you to me, I need to leave before something happens here.” He made sure she knew what he meant when he pulled her closer and let her feel his erection.

  Scrambling away, Ana said, “Oh God. I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, baby,” he responded and got up too.

  “Umm…mm. Do you need me to help you with that?”

  “In two days, yes.” Moving closer, Gabe pulled her blouse together and buttoned her up again. “But for now, I need to you be comfortable with the idea.”


  “Walk me out.” When they got back to the sitting room, Gabe picked up his t-shirt and put it back on.

  Turning to her at the door, “Ana,” he said while he pulled her into his arms. “What’s it going to be? One or two days?” He nibbled her lower lip. He couldn’t get enough of her lips.

  “Don’t you think you are being unreasonable?”

  “How?” He nibbled again.

  “You are not even considering what I said.”

  “I did consider everything you said, but it doesn’t make sense.” He continued nibbling her lip.

  Ana was having a hard time thinking with Gabe kissing her again, but pushed on, knowing she needed to make him see reason. Although she had now made up her mind, she still needed time to weigh the consequences. She wasn’t one to indulge casual relationships. “And you think one day makes more sense?”

  “Much. Better than the two days, but I am willing to give you that extra day. Just know that my cock will be hard for you for those two days.” Nibbling her some more, he looked into her beautiful eyes. A man could get lost in them and never find his way out.

  Realizing she wouldn’t be able to change his mind. Ana agreed, “Okay two days. But I have a condition.”

  “You do?” he questioned with a smile.


  “Let’s hear it.”

  “No contact until the two days are up.”

  “Not even lunch or

  “No. Not even flowers, phone calls, texts, anything you name it.”

  “Okay. I agree to your terms,” he shocked her with his response. Ana had thought she might have had to fight him on this again. “Anything else?”

  “Would you consider five days?” she asked trying her luck.

  “Nice try.” Raising his hands he held her head and gave her a deep but brief kiss. “I will pick you up for dinner in forty eight hours from right now. To clarify, that’s Tuesday evening. Tick, tock, the clock is ticking.” He put his coat on as he opened the door and walked to the elevators, pushed a button to call the elevator and it pinged signaling it’s arrival. As the door started to close, he added, “And Ana, pack an overnight bag.”

  Back inside her apartment, Ana leaned against the door and sighed. It felt like she had just run a marathon.

  This was the second time he had shown up unannounced at her apartment. That man didn’t take the word, ‘No’ very well. No wonder his business and various ventures were such a success. Not many people became billionaires before hitting the age of thirty, if at all they ever became one. Especially without inheriting some kind of trust fund.


  On Monday morning, Ana made sure she got up after Kelly had left for work. She knew she would need to tell her friend about the visit from Gabe last night, but she wasn’t ready for that yet, besides what exactly would she say? Fantasizing about Gabe and actually sleeping with him were two different issues altogether. How had her life done a one-eighty in less than a week? If this were someone in her circle, Ana wouldn’t have had to think too hard. But billionaire playboys were best to stay away from. Maybe someone like Gary would have been a better fit. Ugh. Not Gary. He was a nice enough guy, but there was no sizzle with Gary. Come to think of it, none of her previous boyfriends had ever given her the sizzle.

  She managed to get two solid hours of nonstop work. A couple of technical calls came after that, but thankfully they were short. Disaster averted. The early part of the afternoon went uneventfully and Ana was done with two of her projects that had deadlines for the following week. Feeling good she stood up intending to go make some tea. Before she had made it to the door, her third call came in.

  And before she could greet the caller, she heard a woman on the line. “Ms. Summers.”

  “Yes?” The voice sounded familiar and Ana was trying to place it while listening to her caller.

  “This is Andrea Stanton, Mr. Boyd’s assistant.”

  Okay. But didn’t they agree to no contact last night? Not wanting to be rude to the assistant, Ana responded, “Yes, how can I help you?”

  “Mr. Boyd would like to secure your professional services, he is willing to pay any fee, can you meet him this afternoon or anytime tomorrow?”

  “I’m afraid not. I have already told Mr. Boyd that I can’t be of service to him,” she answered the assistant.

  “I understand, but he would like to get the chance to change your mind. Would you please reconsider?”

  “Again, I’m afraid that isn’t possible. Please give my regrets to your boss. And I am sorry I have to go, I have another call coming. Good-bye Ms. Stanton.” Click. And she hung up.

  Ugh. Trust Gabe to find a loophole. Smiling Ana couldn’t help but applaud him. Using his assistant and making this a business call. She had hoped they had laid this issue to rest yesterday.

  Another call. “Zen Technologies, Ana speaking.”

  “Ms. Summers. Andrea again.”

  Ana sighed. She should have expected this. “Yes. What did your boss say?”

  “Ms. Summers, it’s really important that you meet with Mr.Boyd.”

  “I really don’t have the time. I thought your boss understood that. Surely a man in his position understands a simple fact as being busy.”

  “Ms. Summers. I can surely confirm that he understands that. This is a matter of utmost urgency. Surely you can understand why?”

  “Yes, I understand, but if your boss is trying to make me feel guilty, it won’t work. I work alone and do not have someone to do my other work while I tend to your boss and his issues. Please pass my regrets. Good-bye Ms. Stanton.” Click.

  Ugh! His assistant was as persistent as the man. They made quite a pair.

  Another call. “Look, I really hate to be rude, but you need to stop calling.”

  “Ana my love.”

  “Stefano!” Oops, guess she should have checked the caller id.

  “So who were you expecting?”

  “Nobody worthwhile. How are you?” Ana asked her friend.

  “I am good love. How are you and Kelly?” Stefano asked her.

  “We are both fine and looking forward to our trip next month. Are you able to join us?”

  “I am not yet sure, but I will try. I need to escape this dreary English weather for a few days at the least.”

  “I miss you. We haven’t seen you in forever.”

  “I know love, I miss you too.”

  “I saw you in a couple of the magazines here last week. That underwear looked hot,” she giggled. “How many dates have you snagged since then?”

  “Some of it made even me of all people blush. I had to request just the photographer and myself in the room.”

  “Oh Oh.” She laughed at the way he dramatized it all.

  “But I’ll have you know all the ladies are falling at my feet. Unfortunately, I had to go into hiding when an eighty year old grandma kept stalking me.”

  “Oh my God, Stefano, that’s so not true.”

  “So true,” he confirmed.

  Ana talked to Stefano for another five minutes until he had to go. He had regaled her with his modeling stories which most were outragious but apparently true.

  “Bye Stefano.”

  “Bye Ana my love.”

  They had met during his last year in college and had become fast friends. Stefano had been an international exchange student who had been using his laptop in the library when it had started freezing up while he was trying to finish up a paper that was due the next day. Ana had seen his frustration and seen how he had been close to throwing the laptop to the floor. She had walked up to him asked to take a look at his laptop. Startled and thinking it was beyond repair, he had pushed it towards her.

  When Ana switched it on, she had told him it had a virus.

  “Can you remove the virus?” he had asked. “I have a paper that is due tomorrow and it would take me days to re-create it.”

  “Do you have virus software?”

  “Isn’t it already installed?” he had asked with surprise.

  “It expired last month.” Ana had replied surprised he hadn’t seen the warning.

  “Fuck this!”

  “Shshshsh,” someone had said. They had both jumped when they realised they were still in the library.

  “Let’s go outside,” Ana had said to him.

  As they had walked outside, he had introduced himself as Stefano Kostas. And she had told him her name. He had wanted to know where he could buy the software, but Ana had liked him and offered to download hers onto his laptop for him. She had taken him to the house she shared with Kelly and introduced him to Kelly and the two had hit it off, starting a friendship among the three of them.

  Ana had downloaded the virus software onto his laptop and managed to save his paper and other files that had been corrupted. He had been lucky that it hadn’t been that bad.

  After the exchange year was up, Stefano had moved back to London, finished the last few months at his university and then started his modeling career. Ana and Kelly had gone on another two years but during that time had aways talked to Stefano on the phone and he had come to visit them once each year for those remaining two years and at times when he had happened to have shoots close by. With his career taking off, he hadn’t managed to get as much free time as he would have liked, but had promised to try and make it to their trip to Hawaii.

  The next call brought Ana out of her reverie. Solving t
he problem at hand quickly, Ana disconnected the call.

  Sometimes it was like she was in a call center. Thank goodness she had decided to charge her clients for the calls otherwise she would have gone crazy with unnecessary calls. Mostly they called her as a last resort, and tended to use their own in-house people to resolve the issues. Sometimes, however, she had to help them with the software.

  As she answered the next call, Ana was congratulating herself on having managed to get through Gabe’s assistant. She hadn’t seen any flashes on her phone telling her there was a call waiting while she had talked to Stefano and the last client. “Zen Technologies, Ana speaking.”

  “Ms. Summers. Andrea here.”

  “Ms. Stanton. You again. Look…”

  “Please call me Andrea.”

  “Fine. Andrea. I don’t mean to be mad at you. I know your boss is unreasonable and he is behind you making the unnecessary calls to me. He is probably right beside you. Tell him he needs to quit, and you need to quit too. This is bordering on harrassment. I may have to resort to blocking his number if he keeps this up.”

  “I’m sorry Ms. Summers…”

  “I’m getting tired of this Ms. Summers. I prefer being called Ana.”

  “Thank you Ana. As I was saying, I am sorry. My intention is not to harrass you. I really wish you would meet my boss for an hour and hear him out.”

  “I don’t have an hour to give him.”

  “How about thirty minutes?”

  “No, I cannot. But what I can do is start charging you for lost time. Tell your boss that. Good-bye Andrea.” Click.

  Ana had never thought it necessary to block calls from coming through. The more she thought about it, the more she seemed to think it was a great idea, and that bouncing calls from Boyd Industries all the way to Japan or Australia would be fun.

  In the meantime, however, she needed to put this issue to rest. There was no doubt in her mind Gabe would continue to have Andrea call her the rest of the afternoon and all day tomorrow as well. She went to her closet and picked a pair of suede boots, and found her coat, scarf and gloves in the coat closet next to the door in the entryway. She took the subway and walked across the road to stand in front of Boyd Industries building. The same security guy she saw on her first day waved her through and gave her a card to use for the penthouse elevator.